A workshop is an interactive session where participants engage in hands-on activities to learn new skills or develop ideas. In our small group workshops, each speaker will lead their own session on topics such as design, programming with ChatGPT, sound design in product development, photography, and more, providing practical experience and specialized knowledge.
a workshop is an interactive session where participants engage in hands-on activities to learn new skills or develop ideas. In our small group workshops, each speaker will lead their own session on topics such as design, programming with chatgpt, sound design in product development, photography, and more, providing practical experience and specialized knowledge.
at our event, there’s a dedicated room where you can engage in various hands-on activities, allowing your creativity to flourish beyond the digital realm. you can print designs on a t-shirt, craft a vase, and explore numerous other creative projects. this space emphasizes that design encompasses more than just digital work, providing a tactile experience to express your artistic abilities.

this is the only design event that matters

21 september, saturday, 10:00,
Tbilisi, Georgia
this is only one design event where you can work with designers, not just hear their thoughts, but work together
we believe in a holistic approach to design. an non-disciplinary way of thinking is about going beyond the borders of a typical design mindset. it doesn’t matter what discipline you’re working in; join us!
llc cinema Hub
an independent, socially responsible company run by entrepreneurs passionate about developing a cultural environment for creative professionals in Georgia
Kinos Sakhli
we believe that design is more than just listening to lectures; it's about getting your hands working and getting involved. we are going to host a one day design event where designers can work together and produce work while inspiring one another

here are main topics:
non-disciplinary design.Imagine a design approach that blends art, science, technology, and humanities into one dynamic fusion. that’s non-disciplinary design! it’s a fresh perspective, led by the next generation, breaking down old boundaries and sparking innovative ideas by mixing different fields and viewpoints
integrating diverse perspectives: creating magical experiences together.we will explore the importance of collaboration in design, emphasizing the role of empathy, open-mindedness, and effective communication in transforming diverse viewpoints into innovative designs
learning by doing: the power of hands-on workshops.workshops enhance technical skills and critical thinking through hands-on experiences, transforming theory into practice and enhancing design skills
crafting memorable products and brands.great design involves creating connections, turning everyday items into beloved icons, and combining storytelling and design principles to craft memorable experiences that resonate with people
the journey from discovery to Innovation.design exploration involves blending diverse fields, such as psychology and technology, to uncover unique insights and groundbreaking ideas, fostering curiosity and a willingness to explore unconventional methods
Together with You
Guri Sitchinava
William Channer
Gigi Janelidze
Leti Cabana
Juan Miralles
Alexander Artsvuni
Alex Murashko
Daniela Muntyan
Kherson — London
together with
craft docs
and others
an event where each public talk is paired with an workshop by the same speaker. enjoy an all-day artisans’ sanctuary for silk-printing, clay sculpting, drawing, and more, with coffee and wine.
full day event
every workshop
40 mins
every 20 mins
250 places only
starting from 100₾ (I Basket)